Usb2lan Network & Wireless Cards Driver

Cherry USB2LAN proxy. The Cherry USB2LAN proxy is active and makes Cherry electronic health card devices available in the network via SICCT. The Cherry USB2LAN proxy is disabled. (default) Network interface (if the Cherry USB2LAN proxy is enabled) auto: The first network interface with IPv4 address will be used for the proxy.

  1. Usb2lan Network Directv
  2. Usb2lan Network Activate
  3. Usb2lan Network & Wireless Cards Drivers
  • Jul 26, 2018 Download Realtek USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet 10/100M Controller Driver 10.28. OS support: Windows (all). Category: Networking.
  • There must be no network device on the system configured with an IP address of 169.254.x.y other than the RNDIS Device.
9.2 MB
Windows (all)

Supported Products:

  • RTL8152B
  • RTL8152BN

Current Versions:

  • Realtek USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet 10/100M Controller Driver 10.28 for Windows 10
  • Realtek USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet 10/100M Controller Driver 8.49 for Windows 8
  • Realtek USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet 10/100M Controller Driver 7.42 for Windows 7
  • Realtek USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet 10/100M Controller Driver 6.27 for Windows Vista
  • Realtek USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet 10/100M Controller Driver 5.23 for Windows XP

Previous Versions 2018-07-26:

Previous Versions 2017-12-18:

Previous Versions 2017-07-03:

Previous Versions 2016-12-23:

Previous Versions 2016-11-21:

Previous Versions 2016-08-25:

Previous Versions 2016-06-30:

Previous Versions 2016-02-23:

Realtek USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet 10/100M Controller Driver 10.5 for Windows 10
Realtek USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet 10/100M Controller Driver 8.28 for Windows 8
Realtek USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet 10/100M Controller Driver 7.21 for Windows 7
Realtek USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet 10/100M Controller Driver 6.011 for Windows Vista
Realtek USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet 10/100M Controller Driver 5.008 for Windows XP

Previous Versions 2015-11-24:

Previous Versions:

Here's other similar drivers that are different versions or releases for different operating systems:
    • March 20, 2019
    • Windows (all)
    • 12.6 MB
    • March 5, 2018
    • Windows 10
    • 9.2 MB
    • June 26, 2017
    • Windows (all)
    • 71.1 MB
    • May 10, 2017
    • Windows 8
    • 9.3 MB
    • May 10, 2017
    • Windows (all)
    • 9.4 MB
    • August 25, 2016
    • Windows (all)
    • 9.1 MB
    • January 27, 2016
    • Windows 8
    • 4.5 MB
    • April 2, 2014
    • Windows Vista
    • 5.0 MB
    • March 27, 2014
    • Linux
    • 25 KB
    • April 2, 2014
    • Windows XP
    • 5.0 MB

The Ultimate cartridge is a storage solution for your Commodore 64 homecomputer and will give you an excellent experience using this great machine.Some people even enjoy using the Ultimate cartridge with their Commodore 128computer.


  • FAQ for the Ultimate II and Ultimate II Plus cartridges

Usb2lan Network Directv

Usb2lan Network & Wireless Cards Driver

Please read Gideon’s story about theUltimate products. Read the specifications of the Ultimate-II Pluscartridges. Read the announcement of the Ultimate-64 device and the update. Also read the Ultimate-64 projectstatus.

Usb2lan Network Activate

You can buy Gideon’s products in his webshop. You can also buyaccessories.

Usb2lan Network & Wireless Cards Drivers

You can find an overview of almost all firmware releases on this page: firmwareoverview(including the latest).

Upgrading from 2.6k to 3.x is a bit different from what you’re used to. Youwill first need to upgrade to version 1541U-II Update 3.0 beta 7 using theupdate.bin in the root of your microSD card.

Once you’ve done this, you can download latest firmware and run the file thatends with .u2u to upgrade.

To revert to version 2.6k, use the revert.u2u that’s included in the 3.0 beta 7archive.

You can find the 3.0 beta 7 on and the latest firmware isavailable in the pinned post at the top of the 1541 Ultimate facebook group oron this page.

The question:link to facebookposting.

I’m looking for information on how to use the emulated SID of the U2+ togetherwith a real one to play 2SID files, but so far haven’t found enough to make ithappen. I’ve fiddled with the settings and read the Sidplayer instructions butall I get is one (the C64 mainboard) Sid. Anyone know where I should look?

  1. Find out what address the second SID is using for the 2SID you’d like tolisten to. The ultimate sid player that’s included shows the second sidaddress since firmware 3.2.
  2. Go to the Ultimate menu and press F2 (shift + F1) to enter the configurationmenu.
  3. Select ‘Audio Output settings’
  4. Enable SID Left
  5. Change the address at SID Left Base to the address you saw in the ultimatesid player. Probably something like $D420 or so
  6. Go to ‘SID Left Combined Waveforms’ and choose the model the 2SID tune wascomposed for. Most likely 8580.
  7. Go to the Left Channel Output and Right Channel Output and select for both‘Left SID’.
  8. Make sure to plug a mini-jack in the line-out mini-jack port and connect itto your powered/active speakers or an amplifier.
  9. Run the 2SID file and have a listen ;-)

Btw, the address of the SID chip inside your c64 is $D400.

Yes, both carts support EF. Since firmware 3.2 there is also support for savingto the EF cartridge image:

Technology Preview: EAPI Support for Easyflash, incl. but not limited towriting support. Please note that the changed crt file is NOT savedautomatically. You can save it by “F5”, “Save Easyflash crt” in the file browser.The file will be saved with the filelname “module.crt”. Optionally rename thesaved file to a more recognizable name.

Tip: turn off Ultimate Audio in the C64 and cartridge settings when usint this feature.

Any USB2LAN adapter that uses an AX88772/-A/-B chip should work.

Yes you can!

You can connect a USB keyboard to the Ultimate cart and use that to control theUltimate instead of using the buttons. Use the scroll lock key to enter theUltimate menu and ESC will bring you back to the basic screen. You can usethe keyboard to navigate the Ultimate menu, just like when you’re using theremote interface via telnet, or using the C64 keyboard.

Yes, the Ultimate comes with a built-in SID Player called

The new Sidplayer in firmware 3.2 has now keyboard support for the followingkeys:

⬅︎fast forward
1 - 0sub tune selection for tune 1 - 10
+play next sub tune
play previous sub tune
run/stopgo to Ultimate menu
space barpause / resume tune

Keyboard support only works for PSID tunes and for RSID tunes that don’t run ina loop and when there is enough memory for the player. If the keyboard doesn’twork for a particular tune, then press the cartridge button (default middlebutton) to go to the Ultimate menu for selecting another SID or sub tune.

There are several ways to play SID tunes using the ethernet interface:

  • Use the remote interface using telnet;
  • Use the Acid 64 Player Pro SID player by Wilfred Bos.

This SID player has the ability to play SID tunes over the netwerk on theUltimate devices. It is built to run on the Microsoft Windows Operating System.When using Wine, Acid 64 Player Pro will also run on macOS and Linux.

  • Use Ultimate1541 Sid Remote 1.1 byL.A. Style of Genesis Project. Thissoftware runs on Microsoft Windows Operating system.

T64 is a file format, or rather a container, just like D64 disk image.Unfortunately the U2 and U2+ does not recognise it as such. This means that youcannot open this container using the return key and then choose enter.

Instead, you can use the right cursor key to enter the T64 container and thenpress return to have the contextual menu pop up and choose run to run the c64programme.

To create a directory on the file system browse to the location you would liketo create a directory. Press F5 and choose the ‘Create Directory’ from thecontextual menu.

To create a blank d64 or g64 disk image on the file system browse to thelocation you would like to create a directory. Press F5 and choose the ‘CreateD64’ or ‘Create G64’ from the contextual menu.

You can copy d64 disk images, directories and even files from inside a diskimage to the file system. Unfortunately you cannot (yet) copy a file from thefile system into a disk image. Also, if you copy a file from inside the diskimage to the file system, make sure to give it an appropriate extension. The U2/ U2+ doest not (yet) do this by itself, unless you run this unofficialfirmwareby MarkusC64.

The keys to use are:

  • use space bar to select the file(s) / dir(s) you’d like to copy
  • use cbm + c to copy
  • use cbm + v to paste.

Yes, you can copy files from inside a disk image to the file system.

  1. Highlight the disk image;
  2. Press either return and then select ‘enter’ or use right arrow key toenter the disk image;
  3. Select one or more files you’d like to copy by pressing the space bar;
  4. Use cbm + c to copy the file(s);
  5. Leave the disk image by using the left cursor key;
  6. Go to the location you’d like to paste the file and use cbm + v to‘paste’ the file(s).

When using an old firmware, you will need to add the file extension yourself.Just press return and choose ‘rename’ to do this.

Unfortunately this is not possible. Perhaps in a distant future firmwarerelease this will be possible.

Unfortunately this is not possible yet. If you try to copy a file either fromthe file system or a disk image and paste it into another disk image, the‘paste’ programme will crash and most likely you will need to reset or rebootyour C64.

To rename either a file or a directory simply select the file or directory andpress enter. A contextual menu will pop-up, select ‘rename’ to rename the file.

Usb2lan Network & Wireless Cards Driver

This FAQ is part of the current manual.


For both the Ultimate II and Ultimate II+ aquick start guide exists.

A resource for some documentation can be found here:

You will need to google for that. seems tohave scans of several c64 cartridges.

The wiki is also a great placeto find some manuals.

Since firmware 3.0e there is this nice feature implemented by Markus C64:“seamless disk swap by pressing middle button at least 1 sec”

This allows you to mount the next disk when a game or a demo asks for itwithout entering the Ultimate menu.

It only works on disk images for which it is obviously that those disk imagesbelong together E.g. “special game disk 1.d64” and “special game disk 2.d64” or“special game A.d64” and “special games B.d64” or “special game S1.d64” and“special game S2.d64”. or “image 1.d64” and “image 2.d64”, etc. etc. etc. Iteven recognises roman numbers.

Yes, the Ultimate cartridges work on the C128, C128D(CR) but with somelimitations. Bart was so kind to write down his findings and advice on how toget the most out of your C128 combined with the U2+:

source: 1541ultimate.netforum

Most of the games will only run from device #8. Even if you added a devicenumber 8/9-Switch to your internal C128 drive, some games and demos do not likeif there is a 2nd drive on the bus.

So, the good news:With S.T.F.U. you can disable yourinternal drive by software:

  1. Set your 1541-U drive emulation to device #9 or OFF
  2. Start and run the file. (In my case I had to load it from disk - it does notseem to work if you DMA-start it from your 1541-U).
  3. Select and deactivate your internal 1571.
  4. Set your Drive A of your 1541-U to device #8 and use it as regular drive.

This did work on my C128D. It did not work on my SX64. However it might be ofinterest for C128D users.